Monday, September 17, 2007

They can take our lives, but they can never take our ...

FREEDOM! Tentatively, the 28th is my last day. It may be the 1st (which is done, but it's a Monday).

I have *a* prospect, but I haven't heard back from them since my phone screen on Friday.

I am contemplating changing my last day to the 3rd, just to get the insurance coverage, but I don't think they'll let that one fly, which sort of sucks since I won't be able to get to see my docs before the 28th. I suppose I'll just have to get my visits in between now and then, and screw the work I'm supposed to get done before then.


They indeed won't let me change my date for insurance reasons, so I'm just going to go to the doctor. Thus far, I have three appointments in the next week and a half, so they'll just have to eat shit and die. Also, it doesn't seem like they're going to let me number-port my cell, so they can eat shit and die on that one, too.

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