Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sometimes I feel like it's 1972 ...

And you all look so happy holding hands
Kissing the sidewalk making plans

Short-timer syndrome has kicked in. I think I have about 2 hours left of work in me for the rest of the week. I'm formally turning down the consulting offer today since the VP of Eng never got back to me on what, exactly, he wanted me to do for the insane price that I was thinking of charging him.

I'm free as of Friday, and I'm totally looking forward to a few months of rest and relaxation. So, it looks like our friends at the social networking place are not going to get back to me, and really un-complicates my life, although the prospect of wealth is always nice to contemplate.

Mexico, here I come. Planning a surf trip to Baja in November - I need to secure an extra surfboard or two - I have three that I can take down, but two of them need fairly substantial repair. I may just end up buying an epoxy board or two, even though I hate them...


1 comment:

Andy said...

What is the name of the group and song you got this "Sometimes I feel like it's 1972" quote from? I have it on an old compilation and can't figure out where the heck I got it. Thanks.