Saturday, September 09, 2006

Soda = Pop

So remember a couple of days ago, I posted about being 21? I had nothing much to do tonight, except nurse my horrible hangover from yesterday. Apparently, I thought I *was* 21 again, as I was doing shots of Jaegermeister with friends. That stuff still tastes like shit.

Anyway, I digress - I was searching for random bands tonight, and I found Soda, strangely. Try here, if you actually want to *hear* Soda's song (named, "Purple Heart", and I would have never guessed, having had a CD with no actual song names on it) that I've referenced in a previous post. I don't know where this site came from, but I pass it along to you, with love in my heart and music in my ears.

This brings me along to the Blow Pops. I can't remember what the hell bar I was at in Milwaukee - I know it wasn't the Globe. I saw them at a reunion show just prior to Tim Buckley moving to Virginia with the Maki guys. I don't generally get goose bumps at rock shows. Symphonies, sometimes, although I haven't been to one in years. Ettett was there? I know T.N. was there. He told me he cried. Thrice. And I discovered that Nick Randazzo was just slightly taller than me.

That night, I learned that I needed to add an additional crash cymbal to my kit. Nick Randazzo introduced me, that night, to the two-crash fill-end. I almost learned how sweet it might have been to fall in love with a girl at a Blow Pops show with "Here Goes My Heart" zinging in perfect harmony through my ears. (This is only a thinly veiled reference to "Zing Went the Strings of My Heart".)

1 comment:

barry said...

Z: I was not there - the only time I could have seen them and I have to go trapsing through Ireland.