Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Long - Lost, Now - Found

I've found it. This weekend, I spent some time at the music store. I went down there to find a couple of things - 1) a practice amp for my cute electric Ovation - it's great - black and gold, a little flashy for me, but still, it's great - three pickups, great action, 2) some digital recording equipment, and 3) some drums.

The drums are always hard for me. I've been looking for a *very* specific kit now for about four years. I remember when I used to play out in college that I had a crappy kit that was too big. I hated carrying it. I hated carrying it more at 2:30a, after I'd been drinking for 7 hours. I hated it carrying it even more when I had to lug it up the goddamn steps to the attic *after* I brought it back from the bar.

This new kit is *exactly* what I was looking for. It's funny - I tend to hate going into the following establishments: videogame shops, computer stores, and music stores - all for the same reason. They always try to sell me shit I don't want, and don't need. This trip to the store was no different, except that I cut the guy off at the pass.

I told him that in the 50's and 60's, Gretsch made a vintage jazz kit, very small, that had remarkable sound. They made them in a range of "sparkle" colors, and they had a single rack tom, and a floor, with a matching snare. He gasped, and told me that he could show me *exactly* what I wanted.

And lo and behold, he did.

This kit is everything I've ever wanted. Maple shells - although I'd love for mine to be candy apple red, or some other color that is not white sparkle, or white speckle. I haven't actually *heard* what these sound like, though - so maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

I can't decide what to do about it, though. If I buy it, I really have a) nowhere to put it, b) no time to play it, c) nobody to play with. If I don't buy it, I'll just keep thinking about it. But having it, and not being able to play will be absolute torture. TORTURE.


Unknown said...

Damned if ya do...

eingy said...

You've been looking for this for years. You should get it.