Monday, June 22, 2009


Wow. Lots of shopping this weekend. Picked up this couch this weekend.

Also bought a mattress, platform bedframe that I am hoping I don't kill my shin on, and a tv stand thingie that weighs a thousand pounds. All these things are getting delivered tomorrow, as well as pilots getting lit for the water heater, which I mistakenly assumed would be easy to light. A burned finger later, screw that, gas people come and do it for me.

Accomplished: cleaned house, turned on water and garbage

Still to do: assemble furniture (tomorrow evening). Find a TV that I like (and buy it). Build extra closet rod. Get rid of more stuff.

All in all, house moving is coming into place, and I should be 95% done by Friday. Yay.

1 comment:

Andre Alforque said...

I hope the move went well! Did you hire movers? What TV did you end up with?