Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Making (money) out of nothing at all

I love it when I get paid to do nothing. Literally. As I type, I am getting paid to sit here and twiddle my thumbs. Go ahead. Ask me. Because you know I'm waiting for you to ask me.

The company I'm contracting for has taken down *every* environment that I could use to write these test cases that they are paying me to write. Actually, I'm exaggerating. I could, theoretically, use their staging environment, which they've pointed to their live db, but that would be not good. I could also, theoretically, just use their live environment, but that would present the same problems as using their staging environment.

I suppose I should get a real job soon. But how can I justify actually WORKING a 40-50+ work week when I get paid to do nothing now!!!!!?!?!?!

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