Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Update on Hundred Pushup Challenge

Firstly, it's a minor miracle that I haven't torn a rotator cuff. If you're planning on doing this, you really, really need to listen to your body while you're doing it, and if your rotator cuff hurts, stop, and give your body a rest.

I had to take a week off because of a bad strep case, and I basically lost two weeks and one column off of my performance. I couldn't make it through today's set list in one go - and split it up by about an hour. Still, I made it through all 9 sets, and got the last set out with hardly any problem at all.

Set 1 AND 2: 20
Set 3 AND 4: 23
Set 5 AND 6: 20
Set 7 AND 8: 18
Set 9: 53

Total: 215

Holy crapwits, Batman!

1 comment:

Andre Alforque said...
