Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Muzak

Thanks to H&M for the gift certificate to Amoeba Records. I went there and picked up the 2007 Okkervil River album that I've been meaning to get since I saw them last time they were here. The first half of the album is pop-y - the second half, is a little too slow for me right now. In six months, I fully expect to amend my statement and proclaim how brilliant the slower songs are.

I also picked up the new Lucksmiths album, but haven't listened to it yet. I picked up one other album, but that will remain nameless, because it is a guilty pleasure.

When I was at the record store, I forgot that I'd also really wanted to get Bandwagonesque by Teenage Fanclub - but thanks to not having Evernote *readily* available on my phone, that's what happened. Plus, Amoeba is like a memory stealing device. You get in there, and completely forget what time it is, why you're there, and sometimes, who you are!!!! (I often find myself wandering in the hip hop section!!!!!)

Thanks to H&M for the great tunes!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you liked it! I figured that new music was one of those things you were likely to cut back on between income streams, and so it made for an easy gift choice.