Friday, December 05, 2008

Milk - See it

I went to see Milk at the Castro Theater on Monday (for date night). I regret, now, that I didn't participate in the filming, as an extra, particularly in the night vigil sequence.

I was struck by the similarities of Prop 6 (the Briggs Initiative, that would have fired all gay teachers, and all employees of schools that supported gay rights, or gay individuals) and Prop 8. Notably, the absence of the word "gay" from any and all literature from the No side (pro-gay rights).

I found the action that Milk supported also worthy of introspection. Milk called upon gay people to come out to the people around them, and I find the call no less important today. I realize that this is an intensely personal decision for most gay people, and can come with recriminations, the shame surrounding being gay will continue to exist until enough people come out. I also realize that I'm being more than mildly hypocritical, since I don't lead a particularly OUT lifestyle when I'm around my family, but it is important, to make the attempt.

Anyway, go see the movie. It broke ALL box office records at the Castro theater last weekend. Oh, and DON'T go see it at Cinemark, on account of their CEO donating $9999 to the Yes on 8 campaign. That means no Century Theaters, CineArts, or TinselTown.

Here's the preview, if you haven't already seen it.

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