Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yay. and boo.

I promised no posts on prop 8 after TWO days. This is the last one, from me.

First, a few things. Maxine Hong Kingston wrote a great post about Obama on Open Salon here. My parents' shop, in Hawaii, is very close to Obama's gramma's house, and she says that Obama's picture was taken when he was visiting here, walking around on the street that the shop is on in rubbah slippahs. For some reason, I am totally fucking comforted by this.

On a separate note, I would like to go back to bed. I am pissed and sad and extremely annoyed that I can't be like someone in Oregon, or whatever, and be happy for Obama (and me). I'm more than slightly annoyed that chickens get more leg room and a 16 year old has more rights than me today. I know that sounds terrible - I voted Yes on 2, and No on 4, but hey, give me a little breathing room here.

I find the hypocrisy appalling. I can't say *anything* nice about the people who voted Yes on 8, so I'm just not going to. I will deal with my knee-jerk reactions today by going back to bed.

Ohana means family.

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