Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Mormons, Why?

What do the Mormons have against gay people?

"According to the ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon donations as of October 27, 2008, were an estimated $19 million. The Ashton contribution therefore brings total Mormon donations to Prop 8 to an astonishing $20 million."

From a press release from the No on Prop 8 campaign.

WTF? The Mormon church was also the single biggest donor to the constitutional amendment that was passed in Hawaii banning same-sex marriages, as well. I will *never* go back to Utah again. (Salt Lake City is just about the creepiest place I've ever been, excepting, perhaps, the Porky's style bar I played a show at near Fond du lac that had the bears in cages in the back.)

Thank GOD there's a separate heaven for you true believers, because when I die, I sure as fuck don't want to go there.

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