Monday, February 23, 2015

SF Public Library + Books I'm Reading

Due to a recent change in living situation (long story, not elaborating), I've reduced my TV time to probably about ~2h/wk.  I also cut our more expansive cable package, so now I don't really get any sports, other than the basic cable Spanish channels' soccer coverage. (This change dropped my cable bill by about $100 - and increased my internet speed by 3x.)

I went on a tear of book buying on Amazon over the last couple of months, determined to read a hefty number of "best of 2014" editor picks on my kindle. Since I'm commuting down to the Peninsula once a week for work now, my kindle's become my new best friend, and these are the books that I've been reading: (peanut gallery, no judgements on my choice of books - sci fi/fantasy are still my guiltiest pleasures, but I do try to throw a non-fiction in about 20% of the time)

Due to aforementioned living situation, I'm also on book-buying moratorium, so I've finally figured out how to borrow books from SF Public Library on my kindle. Highly recommend doing this. There are a ton of books that I would easily have bought from Amazon, only to finish in a few days, and never read again that are available for free (21 day loan, with option to renew). Bonus is that after the 21 day loan period is over, they get auto-returned to the library, so I'll also never have to deal with late fees again (hey, those $0.10/day fines add up over time, especially if you've overzealously checked out 20 books at once).

  • Divergent (entire series) - I love stories w/ strong female leads. I love dystopics. I love sci-fi. But for the love of chocolate and peanut butter, what's with the vapid, lovesick romance sub-plot that is so, so tired? Really, Katniss could kick Tris' ass, and Lyra trumps them both. Purchased. Skip it.
  • All the Light We Cannot See - Best of the last bunch of novels that I've read. Heartbreaking. Purchased. Read it.
  • A Deadly Wandering -  Get through the first 1/3 of the book, and you'll probably like it. Technology is great, but distracting, and no one really knows the long-term impact of our phone-obsessed fix. Plus, texting and driving really kills. Purchased. Read it.
  • Rise of the Dragons - Fun, but not nearly long enough. Oh, and I hate reading series that aren't finished yet. Purchased. Qualified Read it.
  • The Bone Clocks - Really weird, but compelling book. Set over multiple time periods, and with lots of characters and moving parts, sometimes I got that same feeling that I get when I'm watching disjointed, alternate reality movies like Inception or Memento when I was reading this. Purchased. Read it.
  • Fuzzy Nation - Fun, fast-paced. A great afternoon indulgence (for those of you who have the time to spend an entire afternoon reading). Sci-fi strip mining, w/ ewoks. Recommended author, but the series that was recommended to me was all checked out. Borrowed. Read it.
  • In Paradise - I really, really hate present tense. In particular, third-person present tense. The subject matter is hard to get through (a large meditative retreat at Auschwitz). I'm not sure which of the two colored my opinion on this, but my general takeaway was that I didn't like it. Skip it.
Up Next:
  • Lean In. I figured I should stop haranguing this book if I haven't actually read it. I've gotten to 3% of the book (why can't I get page numbers yet?), and I'm already bored.
  • In the Kingdom of Ice. Likely to overtake Lean In for my next non-fiction read.

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