Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance

I love these people. Washington (state) court ruled that the state had a legitimate interest in protecting marriage from the gays. The Washington Defense of Marriage Act points out the hypocrisy of the ruling by proposing a series of laws that will enforce the idiocy.

1) All married people have to have kids within three years of getting married.
2) All unmarried people with kids will have to get married.
3) All people who want to get married but can't have kids can't get married.
4) Strip all marriage benefits (and make it a criminal offense to offer the benefits) to unrecognized married people.
5) Find a way to bureaucratize proving married people are married according to 1), 2) and 3)

If the right-wing really wants to put their money where their mouths are, let them. (Although, this is kind of scary if it passes, and is subsequently enforced.)

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