Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mele Kalikimama!

I gots:
A noritake teapot from my gramma's house (from parentals), but it broke in transit.
A woodblock print (from parentals)
4 champignon chocolates from Cocoa Bella (from D)
3 mini moleskin journals (from D)
Tea (from parentals)
Okoshi (from aunty Viv)
Caramel Popcorn and Kaki mochi (from Aunty B)
Very old, VERY COOL harmonica from gramma's house (from parentals)
Charles Chocolates (from D)
Cool ultraman privacy screen for cellphone (from Bro)
Measuring Tape (from D)
Kitty Magnet (from D)
Zojirushi rick cooker (from Syd and Barr)
EDIT: Homemade Panda Bear (from TN)

I gaves:
Cookies to everyone.
Osho Zen Tarot Cards + Book to D
Weleda birch oil stuff to D

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Senator's response to my letter re: Liebermann

Dear [MIni-boss]:

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding Senator Joseph Lieberman's (ID-CT) retention of the chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

The election of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) to be President has started a new chapter in our history, and the President-elect has said that he wants to heal the divisions in this nation. He also made it clear that he does not want Senate Democrats to isolate Senator Lieberman for his actions during the campaign.

The Senate Democrats voted on November 19, 2008 to bring about reconciliation, not only within our caucus, but between Democrats and Republicans. We are trying to develop a more civil dialogue that will hopefully allow us to get more done on behalf of the American people. I believe we are on the right path to moving away from divisive partisan politics and towards a cooperative legislative body.

The resolution presented in the caucus passed by a vote of 42-13. Although the resolution condemned statements Senator Lieberman made while campaigning for Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and removed him from the Environment and Public Works Committee, he will continue to Chair the Homeland Security Committee and will remain a member of the Democratic caucus.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. Please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. staff should you have any additional concerns at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at


Reconciliation? Whatevs. Secondly, as President-elect, Obama should be the first to realize that his job is now in the executive branch, and while he's entitled to giving his opinion (and advice) to the congressional branch, Congress DOES NOT exist to execute orders from the White House. Have we learned *nothing* from the last 8 years? I realize that it's overly optimistic of me to think that Democrats would vote, at least on this issue, in the best interest of the country (which I firmly believe Liebermann no longer understands) - can anyone really explain how retaining Liebermann as both a) in the Democratic Caucus, and b) as chairman of that committee is anything but a blatant, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Only Wanna Be With You

A few weeks ago, I stumbled on an old TV segment of Dusty Springfield - awesome, awesome, awesome.

Isn't she hot?

A friend of mine is visiting me for the weekend, and we've been spending time playing music. After I showed him the Dusty Springfield clip, he directed me here:

We sign off now to learn how to play this song, in alternating English and Spanish. We are fashioning a shoulder shrug dance routine to go with it, ala Luis Miguel. To make this SUPER hilarious, my friend says that the Spanish version's title translation is "Now You Can Go Away". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

New Muzak

Thanks to H&M for the gift certificate to Amoeba Records. I went there and picked up the 2007 Okkervil River album that I've been meaning to get since I saw them last time they were here. The first half of the album is pop-y - the second half, is a little too slow for me right now. In six months, I fully expect to amend my statement and proclaim how brilliant the slower songs are.

I also picked up the new Lucksmiths album, but haven't listened to it yet. I picked up one other album, but that will remain nameless, because it is a guilty pleasure.

When I was at the record store, I forgot that I'd also really wanted to get Bandwagonesque by Teenage Fanclub - but thanks to not having Evernote *readily* available on my phone, that's what happened. Plus, Amoeba is like a memory stealing device. You get in there, and completely forget what time it is, why you're there, and sometimes, who you are!!!! (I often find myself wandering in the hip hop section!!!!!)

Thanks to H&M for the great tunes!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Norad & Santa

Gizmodo put a post regarding the history of NORAD and Santa Tracking. It leads to, which details exactly how a misprint in a Sears Roebuck ad led to, essentially, a batphone for the commanding officer of NORAD.

Even funnier, the CO talks about getting the first phone call (and subsequent ones) here. Norad continued the tradition by staffing the phones with volunteers during Christmas since then.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Milk - See it

I went to see Milk at the Castro Theater on Monday (for date night). I regret, now, that I didn't participate in the filming, as an extra, particularly in the night vigil sequence.

I was struck by the similarities of Prop 6 (the Briggs Initiative, that would have fired all gay teachers, and all employees of schools that supported gay rights, or gay individuals) and Prop 8. Notably, the absence of the word "gay" from any and all literature from the No side (pro-gay rights).

I found the action that Milk supported also worthy of introspection. Milk called upon gay people to come out to the people around them, and I find the call no less important today. I realize that this is an intensely personal decision for most gay people, and can come with recriminations, the shame surrounding being gay will continue to exist until enough people come out. I also realize that I'm being more than mildly hypocritical, since I don't lead a particularly OUT lifestyle when I'm around my family, but it is important, to make the attempt.

Anyway, go see the movie. It broke ALL box office records at the Castro theater last weekend. Oh, and DON'T go see it at Cinemark, on account of their CEO donating $9999 to the Yes on 8 campaign. That means no Century Theaters, CineArts, or TinselTown.

Here's the preview, if you haven't already seen it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mini-boss re: Lieberman - He sucks.

Dear Senator Boxer,

I am writing to inform you of my support for the removal of Senator Joe Lieberman as Chair of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee. He sucks.

Thank you.




If you want to send your OWN email to Senator Boxer, please feel free.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ahoy, Mateys!

I've (mostly) recovered from stress-induced fatigue caused by the recent election. I'm now back to the dreary task of finding myself a job. I have to admit that I am not immune to the anxiety-ridden "what-the-fuck-is-going-on-with-the-economy-and-job-market" hysteria that seems to be on the front page of every newspaper from Hawaii to Maine, but I think I'm managing fairly well.

My new goal is to get my resume out to three prospective employers every day, Monday-Friday. I sort of wish that I didn't have to do this, and I actually *want* to go home and help my parents at the shop (and surf every morning), but D would prefer that I stay here, even if that means that D has to pay my rent. (I swear this isn't an under-the-table way for me to live, rent-free.)

What with the endless news of layoffs and bailouts, who wouldn't be nervous? I'm actually glad that I left that last company, seeing as they're Sequoia backed, and must be trying to reduce costs by 10%, as has been endlessly blogged about in the last few weeks.

Today, I am thankful that I have a leftover pot of spaghetti.
I am thankful for Vornado heater fans.
I am thankful for wool-lined house slippers.
I am thankful for wifi that lets me sit on my couch and blog (and apply for jobs).
I am thankful for Strauss Family milk that will make wonderful hot chocolate at lunch.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Facebook, why must you mock me?

Embedded in my "home" page of facebook, is a sponsored link that reads:

"Getting Married?

ShitfuckerCompanyNameThatIWon' is the easiest way to plan your perfect wedding..."


I am slightly amused, mostly annoyed.

From Le Monde's Robert Sole'

Sorry. No column today. The keyboard is not responding. History is a page being turned. Three words on the screen: "Yes we can." While it is impossible to joke with genocide or disaster, it is equally impossible to joke with an event that makes you weep for joy. The first worldwide good news since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 needs more than a pirouette or an amused wink. At this moment - but for how long ? - we can say with far more conviction than on 11 September 2001 : we are all Americans.

Yay. and boo.

I promised no posts on prop 8 after TWO days. This is the last one, from me.

First, a few things. Maxine Hong Kingston wrote a great post about Obama on Open Salon here. My parents' shop, in Hawaii, is very close to Obama's gramma's house, and she says that Obama's picture was taken when he was visiting here, walking around on the street that the shop is on in rubbah slippahs. For some reason, I am totally fucking comforted by this.

On a separate note, I would like to go back to bed. I am pissed and sad and extremely annoyed that I can't be like someone in Oregon, or whatever, and be happy for Obama (and me). I'm more than slightly annoyed that chickens get more leg room and a 16 year old has more rights than me today. I know that sounds terrible - I voted Yes on 2, and No on 4, but hey, give me a little breathing room here.

I find the hypocrisy appalling. I can't say *anything* nice about the people who voted Yes on 8, so I'm just not going to. I will deal with my knee-jerk reactions today by going back to bed.

Ohana means family.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Samuel Jackson on Prop 8

Edit: Today is the last day that donations count. Seriously. I have been donating just about once every three days. (insane). Donate Now!!!

Why Mormons, Why?

What do the Mormons have against gay people?

"According to the ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon donations as of October 27, 2008, were an estimated $19 million. The Ashton contribution therefore brings total Mormon donations to Prop 8 to an astonishing $20 million."

From a press release from the No on Prop 8 campaign.

WTF? The Mormon church was also the single biggest donor to the constitutional amendment that was passed in Hawaii banning same-sex marriages, as well. I will *never* go back to Utah again. (Salt Lake City is just about the creepiest place I've ever been, excepting, perhaps, the Porky's style bar I played a show at near Fond du lac that had the bears in cages in the back.)

Thank GOD there's a separate heaven for you true believers, because when I die, I sure as fuck don't want to go there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hockey Mom for Obama!

No on Prop 8 Update

Yesterday, the Yes on Prop 8 people raised $2.2 million buckaroos. SF Chronicle reported that the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization donated $1.4m - the largest sum in both sides of the campaign. Additionally, the US conference of Catholic Bishops has donated $200k.

No on Prop 8 people say that our side needs $3m to match them on the airwaves, or we'll likely lose, and the constitutional amendment will pass. I know I've asked all of you to donate before (I've donated twice so far), but if you can, please donate again. These last days leading up to the election are going to be totally critical, and we need all the help we can get on this issue!

If you can, please, please donate again.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

No on 8

The No on 8 campaign is still losing in the most recent polls. I feel strongly enough about this to volunteer, since I have so much free time on my hands. I'm going to ratchet up my volunteering and get some time in for the Obama campaign, as well.

Even with all the stuff going on in my life, I've a mind to marry her before the election, just because Prop 8 has no provisions in it to deal with what they're calling the "interim" marriages. It's a horrible thing, though, to wonder about your legal status because the mob believes the lie campaigns. Imagine what life would be like now if the laws against interracial marriages hadn't been struck down. Why would we want to repeat this kind of injustice?

I wonder why it is that Republicans, who are so small government, give a shit about who I decide I want to marry. I wonder why more Libertarians are not involved in trying to defeat this proposition. And in California, of all places, why would we want to rewrite the constitution with this kind of hate?

Seriously, it breaks my heart.

I'm fucking $2000 in the hole because of the cat business (this story is too long - the cat is fine), but even I have $20 to donate to this campaign. Scrounge up a $20 to donate, please, so that I can marry the person that I love.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President?

PBS is running a poll *now*. It's tied 49% yes, 49% no.


As an aside, Camille Paglia is a very interesting supporter of Palin as a feminist. I found it interesting reading, but I really don't know enough about post-modern feminism nor Palin, to really comment on her opinion. You can read it here (from Salon).


You can read the details about this poll here. For the first few days of the poll, you could vote as many times as you wanted. Halfway in, they started cookie-ing voters. Apparently, they change the poll every week.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bailout == Spa!!!!

From a newspaper story on the Congressional hearings over Wall Street bailout:

"Lawmakers revealed Tuesday that just days after the Sept. 16 federal bailout of AIG, executives and salespeople at the firm met at the lavish St. Regis Monarch Beach resort in Dana Point (Orange County), where the rooms can cost $1,000 a night. According to the invoices, the company spent $200,000 on rooms, more than $150,000 on meals, $23,000 in spa charges and $7,000 on golf."

WTF? This is what my tax dollars are paying for?

No on 8

Hey. I'm gay. No new news there. Prop 8 is winning in the most recent polls, due to the massive lie campaign on TV. I'm sending money over to the No on Prop 8 people, even though I'm not working right now.

If you can spare it, please donate at the No on Prop 8 website. Last time Hawaii rewrote its constitution, the Mormon church donated an INSANE amount of money to flood the airwaves with similar lies about what the constitutional amendment was going to do.

I'm also reposting stuff from their FAQ, just to make it clear what the proponents of this horrible constitutional amendment are lying about.


Proponents of Prop 8 make many misleading assertions in their new television ad. Here’s what’s fiction and what’s fact:

Fiction vs. the Facts

Fiction: People can be sued over personal beliefs.

Fact: California’s laws already prohibit discrimination against anyone based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. This has nothing to do with marriage.

Fiction: Churches could lose their tax-exemption status.

Fact: Nothing in Prop 8 would force churches to do anything. In fact, the court decision regarding marriage specifically says “no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs.”

Fiction: Same-sex marriage would be taught in public schools.

Fact: Not one word in Prop 8 mentions education, and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to be taught anything about health and family issues at school. California law prohibits it. A Sacramento Superior Court judge has already ruled that this claim by the proponents of Prop 8 is “false and misleading.” In fact, the “case” that is cited in the ad is from Massachusetts…the proponents knew what California law said, so they used another state, again to mislead voters.

Fiction: Four Activist Judges in San Francisco…

Fact: Prop 8 is not about courts and judges, it's about eliminating a fundamental right. Judges didn't grant the right, the constitution guarantees the right. Proponents of Prop 8 use an outdated and stale argument that judges aren't supposed to protect rights and freedoms. This campaign is about whether Californians, right now, in 2008 are willing to amend the constitution for the sole purpose of eliminating a fundamental right for one group of citizens.

Regardless of how you feel about the issue, we should not eliminate fundamental rights for ANY Californians. Please vote NO on Prop 8.

McCain the Flip Flopper

Why isn't anyone talking about the MASSIVE flip-flops that McCain's made in the last, say, 10 months or so? Or even, the last few weeks?

He was for Roe v. Wade. Now he's not! (He's for overturning Roe v. Wade in favor or states rights)
He thought the economy was doing great! Then he didn't!
He's super-de-regulartor-man! Now he's not!

How come we don't see more of swift-boating happening in favor of the Democrats? Are the Democrats, as a party, too moral to run that type of campaign? Is Obama too moral? Should Democrats stoop to this kind of politics?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Debate Rages On

This will be semi-running commentary on the debate. I am hoping it is not a snoresville. I will also be eating the most delicious chicken soup evar.

John McCain is looking positively geriatric. Where's the puppetmaster?

Barack Obama is much handsomer. He doesn't look like the man who will drop dead in the next four years.

WHO IN THE WORLD IS JOHN MCCAIN'S HAIRDRESSER!?!?!?!? Is he sporting a combover? And for goodness' sake, can someone please take the hanger out of his coat before he puts it on??!?!?!?!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tina Fey & Sarah Palin!

You can't find it on YouTube now, but NBC has it. It's hilarious, if you haven't already seen it!

No on 8!!!

If you live in California, sign the petition to vote no on 8. Unless you're a hater. Then you can just kiss my ass.

Sign Now!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Palin = Pork

Friday, September 05, 2008


I think there was just a (small) earthquake in SF. It shook one of my toys off of my TV, and scared the crap out of me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Judicial Activism? More like sour grapes.

Judicial Activism? I'm sorry, but the patriotic flag-bearing, bible-thumping chicken-hawks have got to be kidding me. Last year, the California legislature, who are elected to REPRESENT "the people", passed a bill legalizing gay marriage only to have it vetoed by the Guv. Is that supposed to be the will of the people? You can't have it both ways. By the way, if you haven't been keeping track, the NAYs are just about neck and neck with the YAYs. Is it going to galvanize the Republican party base? Probably. Will that keep the Republicans from losing seats in November? Probably not. (See Democrat Don Cazayoux.)

So, what is the purpose of marriage? To procreate? Let's get behind Initiative 957 (a failed ballot initiative in Washington). In any case, remind me again why people are fighting over this?

I'd rather fight over our stupid food prices, rice shortages, Darfur and the Iraq war. Seriously. What's up with stodgy curmodgeons? They are like the people in Pleasantville. What an unpleasant, boring place to be.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mawwiage is what bwings us togetha...

I'm really quite confused about the "legislate from the bench" argument that's happening here. The ruling is actually quite clear in what its speaking to. Namely, that CA already has great domestic partnership benefits, which convey *almost* all of the same benefits as marriage. (Did you know that, because same-sex marriages are not federally recognized, if my same-sex spouse dies, I can't receive their Social Security benefits? I fucking HATE paying taxes to this fucktard government.) Back to the issue at hand ... CA Supreme Court has basically ruled that the WORD "marriage" must be bestowed on same-sex couples who enter in a binding agreement to share their lives together, and that domestic partnerships, while conveying the same benefits, amounts to a separate-but-equal system that is not constitutionally sound.

Conservative groups are mad because the ruling reverses a voter-driven ballot initiative that was passed a few years ago that made same-sex marriages illegal. What the Supreme Court ruled on is that this ballot initiative, in and of itself, was illegal TO BEGIN WITH, because it violated the state constitution, and also based on prior rulings of the court. (One of the primary rulings referenced was the one that legalized interracial marriage.)

What's even more interesting is that the dissenting opinions were actually not as bad as I thought. They generally hinged on semantics surrounding the majority opinion, use of the political process, and one of the dissents was from a pro-same-sex marriage justice, who disagreed with the way the majority opinion was phrased, because she thought it was demeaning to same-sex couples (I think).

On another note, it's pretty clear that we need to start making up a new word for church-sanctioned marriages. How about we start calling them mawwiage?

I simply *don't* understand why people get so mad about somebody else's business. I thought conservatives were for small-government, stay-out-of-my-business government - and here the conservative groups are all up in everybody else's fucking business about who they marry.

And for the jink-jankers who think animals are next, the chief justice pointedly said that the laws surrounding polygamy and incest are still in place, and not affected by this ruling.

Woohoo CA GAYS

You can get married now. Hurry up, before they take it away. Again.

Read more

Edit - From the ruling:
In view of the substance and significance of the fundamental constitutional right to form a family relationship, the California Constitution properly must be interpreted to guarantee this basic civil right to all Californians, whether gay or heterosexual, and to same-sex couples as well as to opposite-sex couples.

... The exclusion of same-sex couples from the designation of marriage works a real and appreciable harm upon same-sex couples and their children... Because of the historic disparagement of gay persons, the retention of a distinction in nomenclature by which the term "marriage" is withheld only from the family relationship of same-sex couples is all the more likely to cause the new parallel institution that has been established for same-sex couples to be considered a mark of second-class citizenship..."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Piss away the ______

I am at the point where I need to just take a step back and relax. I'm doing some software development consulting in LA, and have been down here, basically, 2 weeks/month since February. Right now, I'm doing phone screens for potential QA candidates, writing test cases, and giving advice on best practices in software development.

To date, I've written 50+ test cases of varying lengths for their regressive test cycles.

A couple of problems (which I've pointed out to my clients):
1) They only have one QA person here
2) he can't run these cases because he's too swamped with testing new features
3) their dev cycles are too long
4) they push too many hotfixes for the qa guy to work on projects other than upcoming releases

I'm writing very, VERY detailed test cases. Detailed enough that they could, theoretically, outsource the execution of these cases, or even offshore them.

I finished about 70% of the cases that are currently available *last* time I was here, almost 4 weeks ago. They haven't run a SINGLE one of them. I would actually bet money on the face that no one in this entire organization has even *read* them. I would further bet that nobody's read more than 5% of what's currently there.

Why do they keep paying me to do this? Does it make them feel better about "beefing up" their QA organization?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Google Email Aliasing

Did you know that you can alias with Google mail? Just add a "+" sign.

For example: = =

This is actually a great, great testing mechanism, for those of you who may have to do software testing involving outbound email. This, coupled with the filtering mechanisms allow you to apply a label for all incoming messages addressed to

Vandahful, dahling. On the other hand, I'd *really* prefer that they used a "-" instead of a "+" for ergonomic reasons, but I shouldn't complain at all.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Making (money) out of nothing at all

I love it when I get paid to do nothing. Literally. As I type, I am getting paid to sit here and twiddle my thumbs. Go ahead. Ask me. Because you know I'm waiting for you to ask me.

The company I'm contracting for has taken down *every* environment that I could use to write these test cases that they are paying me to write. Actually, I'm exaggerating. I could, theoretically, use their staging environment, which they've pointed to their live db, but that would be not good. I could also, theoretically, just use their live environment, but that would present the same problems as using their staging environment.

I suppose I should get a real job soon. But how can I justify actually WORKING a 40-50+ work week when I get paid to do nothing now!!!!!?!?!?!


Sunday, May 04, 2008

I love my legs (Unburned)

Yes. I love my thighs. I prefer them in their natural, unburned state. You'd think that it wasn't hard to keep them that way, right? Well, you'd be wrong. Why, you ask?

I've recently purchased a last-gen macbook pro, which I love. Granted, for two weeks, I felt as if I'd been struck deaf, dumb, and blind - but I'm quickly unlearning my Windows-centric method of using a computer, and getting adjusted to this "easy", "intuitive" way. It's only not-intuitive for me because I grew up using Windows - but it's been an interesting process, and I can see how a non-computer-literate person would use a Mac and be off to the races in no time flat.

That being said, I took my spanky new macbook pro down to LA a few weeks ago and I needed to get a game. So I did. I ordered Civ IV, which is supposed to be totally compatible with my mac. It is. But it makes my mac very hot. Freakishly hot. So hot that it sometimes beeps at me, if I've been playing too long. I really don't know how the WoW people run their shit on their macbooks, either.

Enter: iLap.

I first saw the iLap at the office that I'm consulting at in LA. They have them everywhere. Take off that black round piece at the front and the iLap can be used on a desk. Not as comfortable as a lifted laptop rack + separate keyboard, but still, who's complaining? I bought one two weeks ago. I can't tell you how much my laptop experience has improved since then.

My laptop runs around 5-10° cooler, and it's way, WAY more comfortable to sit with and use on the couch. Seriously. If you a) use your laptop on your lap, on a couch or b) have a macbook that runs a little hot, you should think about the iLap. I've looked at other competing products, and this was the best one. The black round wrist rest thing gets a lot of cat hair and lint on it. And it doesn't collapse. But otherwise, a much better buy than the others.

Here's a referring link to Amazon, although it's fulfilled by a third party:

Or you can do directly to Rain Design's store by clicking here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A treat for you

For those of you who read my blog, and like these guys. I saw them play this live about a year and a half ago, and this, coupled with another catchy, poppy ditty "If You Don't Care" - the newest stuff I'd seen from them in oh, 9 years?

If their new album is composed of even 50% of stuff like this, I will be fixated for another 9.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Holy Crap!!! (Nearing the end of unemployment)

So - I guess the complete dearth of posts belies my state of blissful unemployment that began on October 1st. I've spent my time well - hanging out with Eingy, playing Guitar Hero and doing a lot of "activities".

In late October, I took the Amtrak up to Seattle to visit a good friend of mine, who introduced me to the joy of indoor rock climbing. I had a great time, went as much as my poor muscles would let me, and continued to go until my Thanksgiving Day Cankle accident.

In the interim (between late October and late November), my brother and his wife came to visit me, I started doing yoga, and walked my godmom's dogs at least three times a week. I had a wonderful time doing all of it.

On Thanksgiving Day, I stepped into a teeny, triangular hole in my sidewalk and incurred a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad sprained ankle. After much tearful boo-hooing about my ruined Thanksgiving Day, and most of the afternoon spent with my foot elevated and iced, the sprain had receded to 1/2 tennis ball size.

I spent the next two weeks or so on my couch, driving myself absolutely bat-shit crazy.

I left for Hawaii on December 14th. Two weeks thereafter were spent helping my parents at the family business - mostly computer stuff, and miscellaneous "get ready for the new year" stuff. Lots of cleaning.

D arrived on December 31, and I immediately took her to my aunt's NYE party. Then over to my brother's house for much firecracker popping. His vantage overlooked all of Pauoa, Papakolea, and Kalihi Valley, along with most of lower Alewa Heights. There were HELICOPTERS searching for people shooting off aerial fireworks. Good luck to those guys. They can't possibly have busted more that 0.00005% of the people doing it.

The next days that followed were very vacation oriented. Lots of spending time at Ala Moana beach park, Lanikai Beach, and surfing. We went to Kauai on the 17th.

Here's what I can remember of that trip:
- arrive Kauai 2:30pm
- pick up rental car
- wait for surfboards to come out of the NEXT scheduled flights baggage
- grocery shopping
- surfboard rental - I got a 9'6" Velzy epoxy board - noserider, soft rails
- YUMMY dinner of bbq scallops, salmon and salad

- Surfing at Pavillions - no wind, beautiful day, a little closed out, but super fun!!!
- Fishing at a secret place near the hotel.
- I catch a mini-papio (literally - about 6") and throw it back

- Dawn patrol to Middles (no surfing for me. Surf looked too big, current too strong, and water too sharky looking)
- Fishing for me!!!
- Two VERY SMALL hinalea caught, but thrown back
- Hiked Kalalau trail to Hanakapi'ai Beach

- High surf advisory for all north facing shores
- Eddie Aikau big-wave invitational is rumored to start
- northerly winds make conditions in Hanalei bay HORRIBLE
- WATER LOOKS VERY, VERY dangerous, even at the pier
- Card playing at the airport
- Return to awesome Sunday Dinner at Aunty B's

Today, great surfing, and lots of computer work at the store. I have a tentative job offer from an old boss.

I am NOT looking forward to rejoining the ranks of the employed. More on my wonderful time off in a bit.